A Neighborhood Photo Essay…
I live in a rather dismal sort of neighborhood in some ways. The majority of the people are nice enough, but it’s the sort of neighborhood where the police actually TOLD me not to ask my neighbors to turn their stereo down. “We can’t guarantee your safety,” they said. “To be honest, we don’t go into your part of town unless we have backup.”
As an example of the kindness evident in my part of town, here’s the local church. No sooner had they built this shining new example of Christianity, then they put up a sign keeping people out.
you can see the egg on my shiny motorbike.
I’m not saying that the City of Sioux City has abandoned our neighborhood, but I’ve seen a LOT of businesses pack up and leave in the past few years. Seems this area isn’t conducive to business.
I’m not sure if they’re tearing it down or rebuilding, to be honest.
Right across the street is yet another abandoned gas station.

This was, for years, a laundromat. Then it was a laundromat
combined with a beer store. Now it’s empty.
If anyone out there has read my blog for long, they’ve undoubtedly heard my rants about grocery stores. The Hy-Vee chain bought out locally owned Boulevard Foods a few miles up the road, tore it down, and built a mega-store on that site. Then they closed down the “old” Hy-Vee that was in my neighborhood (which is where the poor and elderly shopped, by the way, as the store was surrounded by low-income apartments), forcing shoppers to either drive or rent cabs to get to their store instead of walking. A few months after the new Hy-Vee opened, our OTHER local grocery store went out of business as well. So now there are NO grocery stores within walking distance of the poorest section of town, which is exactly where people NEED a store within walking distance.
Here’s an abandoned grocery store.
The owner told a guy I know he couldn’t compete with the two
new chain restaurants that opened in the rich part of town.
florist and a motorcycle shop. It’s deserted now.
department store left in downtown, now that J.C. Penney’s and Younkers have left.
Not exactly my neighborhood, but sad nonetheless.
Back in my neighborhood again, the economic blight shows in myriad ways. From what I can tell, the vast majority of the people in the neighborhood are “working poor.” I’m sure there are a good number of people that are on government assistance, but there are also a good number of people that work double shifts at the packing plant, too.
These photos are all taken from the car, or the sidewalk when I was walking to work, over the last few years. In other words, I wasn’t poking into people’s back yards or anything – this is what the world sees when they visit Sioux City.
This one actually survived. They put a new porch on it, and it’s now for sale.
bought the place and is getting it up to code so he can rent it out.
This dumpster has been sitting on the street for almost an entire year now…
The dumpster also starred in another post, well worth reading.
They’ve since cut the weeds down, but the abandoned cars are still there.
and just throw it out the back door instead. It was like this for weeks and
weeks and weeks… Piles of garbage rotting away.
Here’s the neighborhood bar.
I guess a nice elderly couple lived here until they couldn’t afford the taxes any longer.
(My taxes and insurance have gone up some $250 a month in the last seven years –
hard enough with two incomes, let alone on a fixed income!)
use them to haul empty soda and beer cans to the recycling company up the street.
When I bought my house, there was a tree-lined babbling brook running behind the houses across the street from us. The city came in and tore down all the trees (which really gave us an ugly view of one of the busiest streets in town) and widened the creek. Supposedly they will landscape the area again when they’re done, and our flood insurance will go down. I’m not one to stand in the way of progress, but I sure do miss the trees! And last I heard it’ll still be five to ten years before FEMA will reassess our neighborhood to see if it’s still a flood zone or not.
The city told me there’s nothing I can do about it.
The same neighbors have broken some of the boards off. I’m happy they moved away!
I’m glad they moved away!
Until I saw what the trees were covering, that is. Notice the topper back in the corner…
Again, the city wouldn’t do anything about it.
One of the major blights in my section of town is grafitti. The company I work for has been hit six or eight times in the last year or two alone – and some of the places shown below have had it worse. Not only does grafitti cause problems with gangs, it surely depresses the people who live in the neighborhood, it costs the owners plenty of money to repair (and by city code they MUST cover the grafitti in a certain number of days), and I’m sure it’s driven some businesses out of the area. They recently caught a couple guys red-handed. One of them is facing some serious fines and penalties. I thought about sending a letter to the judge asking him if I could come over and spank the lad myself before they sent him off to jail…
Let’s just say that it happens about every five or six months…
With all that said, I have to admit that things in our particular little corner of the neighborhood have improved DRAMATICALLY since our neighbors moved away. The elderly Vietnamese couple across the street have invited their son and daughter-in-law and little granddaughter to live with them again, the ladies next to them come out and shovel everyone’s sidewalks when it snows, people aren’t afraid to walk on West 16th Street any more.
But people are still afraid to walk on Silver Street. And Center Street.
While things are easier for the few houses around us, the situation in the neighborhood overall has NOT improved, and has actually been declining for the past seven years. Numerous calls to the police and to the city government were ignored for years (unless shots are fired the police don’t come around much). The city council is now showing slight signs of awareness, but they seem intent on tearing things down rather than building the neighborhood up. Instead of rebuilding old houses and renting them to low-income families, the city simply tears the old houses down and lets the vacant lots sit there, weed-infested. In some cases that makes sense, but most of the time I really wish more of an effort were put into rebuilding…
From what I hear, most of the people around here are in the same prediciment we’re in, economically speaking. An example is a buddy of mine at work. They couldn’t afford a house in the city on their combined incomes, so they bought a place some 25 miles out of town and commute. But now that gas has gotten so expensive, the poor guy often has to pay for gas with his credit card, which simply puts him farther in the hole. “But if I don’t buy gas,” he told me, “I can’t go to work to get the money to pay the credit card bills…”
It’s a tricky cycle, and I’ve seen our local government, our state government, and most of all our federal government simply ignore the problem. And that makes me sad. It’s time for a change.
To answer your questions…
I’ve had a few commentors ask questions in the past few posts. Herein lie the answers:
Birdy questioned if I wrote an entire post in one day. Yes. You see, I write a lot and edit precious little. Quantity over quality… While Birdy’s blog is the essence of distilled thought, prose pared to perfect poetry, a philosopher’s dream, I on the other hand just type really, really fast. I figger if I get enough words on the page, a few of ’em gotta make sense…
Ellie asked if Artie Lange is the very same Artie Lange that worked for the Howard Stern show. Truth be told, I dunno, Ellie. You can check out Artie’s blog, but about all you’ll learn about the elusive Artie is that he seems to be fairly intelligent and occasionally dresses up like cupid. He just doesn’t say much about himself. I kinda wish I knew more about him, too.
On the back of my vest I have a few patches. The big one that everyone notices is the American Legion patch that identifies me as a member of the Northwest Iowa Chapter of the American Legion Riders. I also have a few other patches – one with my “HippieBoy” moniker, my VROC number, one for the Patriot Guard, the American flag, and a map of the United States showing the states I’ve ridden in. But the very first patch I bought says:
22 Feb 1976 to 25 Feb 2002.”
I never knew cousin Caleb well enough. He grew up in Spain and I grew up in Iowa. He was in the Air Force in Turkey, I was in the Army Guard in Iowa. He moved to Phoenix, I stayed in Iowa… We always got along well, and we both figured we’d have time later in life to hang out together. We both respected the military, we both rode motorcycles, and we both played bass. I think of him often. His life was short, but well lived.
Wow, who knew that the Hispanics had gotten a toe-hold in Sioux City! I bet it took them longer to learn to spell it than it did me… And I wonder how they pronounce it? I don’t think there are any triple diphthongs in Spanish… My little town doesn’t have much in the way of graffiti, but before I stopped reading it, the LA Times had lots of stories about it. I’m betting your neighbors, the ones you are so glad moved, were Hispanic. Did you ever get a hankering for that South of the Border ranchera music?
Our little town is booming because we’re in a major population center that it booming and the trickle-down we’re getting is substantial. Sioux City is probably losing industry and population to …
Man, I just looked on the map! You guys are not near anything! I’ve never lived anywhere that wasn’t less than a couple of hours drive from a major metropolis. What’s that kind of isolation like?
Oh, there are all sorts of minorities and ethnicities in our little berg. Many things are actually tri-lingual around here – English, Spanish and Laotian. There are quite a few different peoples here… As an example, the house to the left of ours is African American. Kiddy-corner across the street is Vietnamese. Straight across the street is the lesbian and her sister. To our right are the Native Americans. Next to them are the Hispanics. And right in the middle live a hippie and an Austrian. It’s fun to watch the kids all play together, but it’s sad to see them hit pooberty, when all of a sudden group A doesn’t want to play with group B because they look funny.
Actually, the “problem house” was indeed occupied by a minority family, but they weren’t Hispanic. I did find out, however, that not a single one of ’em in that house had a job. They were just plain mean people – the police wouldn’t do a dang thing about them, all the cops did was tell us “not to antagonize” that group of people as there wasn’t any way they could guarantee our safety. I’m happy they moved.
It’s kind of odd living here, to be honest. But I can’t compare it to anything as I’ve never lived anywhere else. I grew up on a farm near a small town (population 2) just outside a slightly bigger small town (population 127, I think), which is near LeMars (the County Seat of Plymouth County, town population of 9,500). Thirty miles up the road you hit Sioux City (population around 60,000 I believe – may be wrong on that one). From Sioux City, where we live now, you have a choice – 100 miles north to Sioux Falls or 100 miles south to Omaha.
If you’re not keen on going to Omaha, your choices are simple. Five hours north to Minneapolis, four and a half hours south to Kansas City, eight and a half hours east to Chicago, or nine hours west to Denver.
There’s a LOT of wide open space around here. A lot of good things – and a few bad. Most of the people around here struggle financially, but there are some neat things to see, too. I often take the bike through Nebraska on my summer rides. Parts of Nebraska make Sioux City look positively rich. It’s sad to go through a reservation and see people living in houses that have no doors, let alone windows.
I have a few photos on line at http://picasaweb.google.com/cradloff that may give you an idea of the area. (You can probably ignore all the photos with “Chesterfield” in the title – they give me free beer to take photos of the weekly jam session at the Chesterfield Club.)
Your insurnce an taxes rose $250 a month?!?!? Dude, I have a $80,000 house in the city, and my taxes and insurance TOTAL less than $2000 for 2006. I suspect either your house is overvalued by the city or you’re simply getting ripped off by your insurance. Hit some providrs up for quotes, flood plane or not. THere’s a better deal out their for ya.
Thank you for this thoroughly depressing, but highly informative tour of your turf!
Fucking fantastic insight and onservations on your community. You know, with this and with the way you covered the WingBowl, I’m thinking you might have missed a great career as a reporter!
Thanks for the compliments too – about my blog I mean. And to answer the other outstanding question: Artie Lange is NOT the same Artie from the Howard Stern show.
What a surprise tosee the patch with Caleb’s name and dates on it! I have never seen your patch, nor did I know you had it. ImissCaleb somuch…your note and photowarmedmyheart.
Caleb’s Mom
MSgt USAF (Ret)
Chris & Dagmar! Ginny sent me the link to your blog with a note about your Caleb Memorial patch. How cool!
Your blog is fantastic – I’ll be back!
hi chris,
ginny, (caleb’s mom)let me know about his memorial patch today. awesome; but still, too sad even after all this time. my son was caleb’s very first friend. he was also born at torrejon afb, spain. only, 2 months earlier. they spent a lot of time cruisin’. (as ginny and i pushed their strollers around the streets of torrejon.) i still have my daniel, and i have shared stories with him about his first friend. i sent you an email when i first got the news and it is on his memorial site; thank you for that. we all lost touch until 28 years later. i emailed ginny with stories of my 3 boys. iasked her how moriah and caleb were doing. i was blown away and horrified at what she replied. how could one of our children be gone so young? and a motorcycle accident? i was married to a biker and part of a biker community in ne oklahoma for a while. i am older now, but the roar of a harley still makes my heart pitter-patter to say the least. i mourned…i cried for a mother’s loss, a brother’s loss, and i felt guilty. i also remembered that “little blond-haired cherub”. that now, “rides free in the wind forever”.
i hadn’t planned on getting so long-winded here; but, “cool patch” didn’t quite do it for me.
anyway, it touched me.
deb oyler campbell
I grew up in Sioux City (1900 Villa Ave, to be exact) and I was shocked to see how run down my old neighborhood had become in a visit this last February. As a kid in the 80’s, the westside wasn’t the “best side” but it was safe and relatively well kept. Hopefully Sioux City will wake up and pump some much needed money into revitalizing our beloved West Side!